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Pest Control Booking

A list of the common pests that we deal with are given below together with the cost of a pest control treatment. We will sometimes need to visit several times, but the cost stated is for removing the pest, not per visit. You will need to make full payment by credit or debit card at the time of booking.

For a Commercial Businesses Contract we will need to visit the premises to enable us to provide you with an accurate quote. To do this select the email address below and provide with as much detail as you can. You will then be contacted by a member of our team.

If you are a landlord/business requesting treatment, please email for business rates.  If a booking is made on the domestic bookings system, you will not receive a receipt, treatment will not take place and you will not be issued a full refund for monies already paid.  You may incur an administrative charge, which will be deducted from any refund due where applicable. The administrative charge is currently £45




Prices below from the 1st June 2019



Treatment cost (Domestic premises)

Likely number of visits

Ants £60 1

£125 for all treatments up to four bedrooms (2 persons required)

a quotation is required for more bedrooms

Cockroaches £85  3
Fleas £79  1
Wasps £59  1
Bees/wasps (call out/advice) £40  1
Bees - Treatment £76  1

Other insects,

e.g. beetles, silverfish etc

We do not treat for woodlice or woodboring insects i.e., woodworm

£69  1
Mice £45  2



Squirrels £129  3

Foxes (non lethal

deterrent using repellents)

£45  1
Advice Quote Quote
Disinfestations (empty properties) Not available  1
Pest control contract Not available  
Commercial Businesses addvice and Pigeon proofing Quote  


We also offer advice, pest control contracts and disinfestations of empty properties. Costs will vary.

Terms and conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions that apply to cancelling, missing or rearranging your appointments: 

  • If you want to rearrange or cancel your appointment, you must give us at least one working days’ notice
  • If you miss your appointment or it cannot take place because i.e., a responsible adult is not at home, where necessary, you will be required to re book an appointment. 
  • Treatment will only take place if there is a responsible adult present (18+ years)
  • If an active infestation cannot be found or a treatment cannot legally be undertaken, a refund will be made minus a call out charge
  • Please note that you may be charged an administrative fee for bees/wasps if no treatment is carried out.
  • If we are unable to fulfill an appointment (for example due to inclement weather or staff sickness) and a suitable alternative cannot be offered within ten working days of the original appointment, the fee paid will be refunded in full 
  • In each case, unless stated otherwiseyou may incur a call out or administrative charge, which will be deducted from any refund due where applicable. The administrative charge is currently £45 for both domestic and commercial/business/landlord customers
  • If you are a landlord/business requesting treatment and a booking is made on the domestic bookings system, you will not receive a receipt, treatment will not take place and you may incur an administrative charge, which will be deducted from any refund due where applicable. The administrative charge is currently £45 

For domestic advice when booking an appointment, please be aware this is a telephone call and not a home visit. 

For a Pigeon Proofing quote, we may need to visit the premises to enable us to provide you with an accurate quote. To do this, select the email address above and provide us with as much detail as you can. You will then be contacted by a member of our team.

Salford City Council is committed to ensuring your information is protected. We only collect your data where we have a legal obligation, as a public task or with your express consent. Please read our privacy notice for full details.